Thursday, November 28, 2019

5 Ways to Deal With Weve Always Done it That Way at Work - The Muse

5 Ways to Deal With Weve Always Done it That Way at Work - The Muse5 Ways to Deal With Weve Always Done it That Way at WorkMany people say that the phrase This is how weve always done it contains the seven most expensive words in business. And, in many cases, thats true. We know that past success is no guarantee for the future, especially when the only constant is change.But, that doesnt stop many workplaces from being completely resistant to new ideas. And, if youre currently stuck in this sort of culture, you know how frustrating it can be. Whether your amtsstube is full of people who have worked there for 30 years or youre managed by a teamberater who firmly believes theres no better way to do things, your brilliant suggestions for improvement and change are constantly shut down- or worse, completely ignored. It doesnt matter if you want to restructure an entire department or simply swap out the brand of coffee in the break room. In your companys eyes, all change is bad. So, what exactly can you do if your employer immediately scoffs at the idea of tweaking anything- aside from just complaining about it? Well, here are a few steps that can help you effectively present your thoughts and (hopefully) get the gears in motion.1. Set an AppointmentIf youre working in an office thats already hesitant about switching things up, you definitely dont want to spring your ideas on your superiors without warning. Instead, set an appointment with your supervisor or management team to talk over your thoughts. This gives your boss a heads up that theres something important you want to discuss and also prevents the likelihood of your idea being dismissed as something unimportant you just said in passing. Also, remember to give timing some consideration before requesting a sit-down. If your managers already swamped, its probably not a great time to add more to his or her plate. But, if he or she is currently working on the next annual budget and your proposal involves a need f or funding, youll probably want to get your idea out on the table before the financial plan is completely finalized. 2. Come PreparedIn order to have even the slightest chance of your idea being considered, you should take extra care to ensure youve dotted all of your Is and crossed your Ts before sitting down to chat with your manager.Of course, you need to be ready to explain the benefits of your new method, as well as why its a better alternative than the process your employers currently using. In addition, you should also be armed and ready with all of the nitty-gritty details of your genius idea. What will the implementation of this new approach look like? Will it require additional dollars from the budget? What departments are involved?Eloquently presenting a plan thats obviously well thought out and researched will show your boss that this is something youve put a lot of time and energy into- not just an off-the-cuff idea that youre hoping will make your job easier. 3. Be Rea dy to Be Met With ResistanceYou already know how your office feels about change, so you should be mentally prepared to meet some resistance from your superiors.First, understand that their hesitancy to try something new isnt necessarily irrational. After all, many people subscribe to the If its not broke, dont fix it philosophy. So, its important to explain that while youre aware the current method works, there are a few ways in which you think you could improve it. Emphasizing the benefits of your idea- rather than just simply venting about the shortfalls of the existing procedure- will hopefully start to show your superiors the light.Keep in mind that while you want to highlight the pros of your suggestion, that doesnt mean you should completely glaze over any potential cons. After all, your audience will likely be more than willing to point them out for you. 4. Follow UpSo, youve made it through the tough part of explaining your entire suggestion for improvement. While youd love to be met with an enthusiastic, What a great idea Lets do it response, you know better. If youre lucky enough to not have your proposal shot down immediately, youll likely be asked to let your superiors have some time to think and talk it over.Yes, you should definitely give upper management a chance to chew on your ideas without you constantly pestering them for an answer. But, dont hesitate to follow up with your supervisor after a week or two. Theres a big difference between having your idea considered and having it fall completely off the radar. Even if your ideas eventually rejected, follow up is still key. So, if your boss informs you that the teams decided not to move forward, dont be afraid to ask for any feedback or an explanation. That valuable input could help you better present your ideas in the future.5. Stay PositivePerhaps you did an amazing job outlining your new idea- but, it was still shot down. I know thats incredibly exasperating and disheartening, and youre allo wed to feel a little glum for a minute. But, if youre going to attempt to thrive in this stagnate work culture, you need to bounce back and stay positive.Easier said than done, right? After all, working in an environment where you dont feel heard or appreciated is a surefire morale deflator. However, make an effort to focus on the parts of your position that you really do like. If necessary, you can also find alternative outlets where you can channel your innovative energy. Perhaps you can volunteer your time with a local nonprofit or take on a freelance project that challenges and inspires you. No, it wont change your companys stubborn attitude. But, it will grant you a place where you can give your inventive muscles some exercise- at least until you can find a new job. Yes, being a part of a work culture that is intolerant or defiant against change presents some definite challenges. So, its important to be adequately prepared when presenting your new ideas- and using these steps s hould help you do just that Even if your suggestion is still turned down in the long run, you can rest easy with the knowledge that you tried your absolute hardest to get the green light. Photo of old-fashioned man courtesy of Shutterstock.

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